Easy Tips For a Greener Holiday Season

Easy Tips For a Greener Holiday Season

During the holiday season, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s day, the amount of waste we generate increases by a whopping 25%. That equates to an extra million tons each week in the form of food waste, shopping bags, bows, ribbons, packaging, and wrapping paper, to 



Today marks the first day of Onam, the largest indigenous festival in Kerala. Legend has it that Mahabali, a beloved king from Kerala who was known for being just and kind, visits his residents during this period every year. A popular folk song we all grew 

Bullfighting should be a thing of the past

Bullfighting should be a thing of the past

Bullfighting is an outdated cruel spectacle in which a bull is tortured and attacked by a series of men on horses and on foot before they are brutally killed in front of an audience. Approximately 250,000 bulls are killed in bullfights every single year, and 

Movie Time: Touching the Wild

Movie Time: Touching the Wild

Joe Hutto does it again! The same wildlife researcher who gave us a peak into the lives of wild turkeys, shares with us the experience he has gained by living with wild mule deer for seven years. He was allowed unprecedented access and insight into the 

The apparent conflicts of interest within the American Dietetic Association

The apparent conflicts of interest within the American Dietetic Association

Does anyone else think it’s a conflict of interest for the American Dietitian Association to accept millions from meat, processed junk, dairy, soda, and candy bar companies while they claim that they are devoted to “improving the nation’s health”? “Industry sources pay $20,000 per fact sheet 

Pigs can empathize

Pigs can empathize

Franz de Waal defines empathy as ‘‘the capacity to be affected by and shares the emotional state of another, assess the reasons for the other’s state and identify with the other, adopting his or her perspective’’. Scientists at Wageningen University in the Netherlands recently carried 

NYT’s investigation into taxpayer funded nightmarish experiments.

NYT’s investigation into taxpayer funded nightmarish experiments.

An investigation by The New York Times has revealed nightmarish experiments being conducted with taxpayer money at a remote research center in southern Nebraska to further profits for the Meat Industry. According to the article, “These experiments are not the work of a meat processor 

Why milk does NOT do the body good.

Why milk does NOT do the body good.

Well, I suppose the title is a bit misleading; cow’s milk definitely does her calf’s body good! Before we go any further, I want to tell you what Morpheus told Neo in The Matrix, “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning